Thursday, April 29, 2010

Motion Test note!

  1. Speed- how fast something is going(m/s-distance divided by time)
  • Average speed-how fast you covered a certain distance
  • Velocity- speed and direction.(m/s + direction going)
  • Acceleration-the process of speeding up(m/s2)
  • Negative acceleration-the process of slowing down(-m/s2)
  • Mass-How much matter is in an object(g, kg)
  • Inertia-the resistance to stop an object
  • Momentum-mass times velocity of an object the measure of an objects resistance to stopping(p=kg*m/s)
  • Displacement-the actual distance you cover from one point to another
  • Distance-the actual distance of point
  • Law of Conservation of Momentum-the total momentum of objects that collide together is the same before and after they collide

  1. The distance ways-constant, different directions, deceleration and acceleration.
  2. A car travels 10km north, 5 km east, 15km south, then 5km north. What is the distance traveled.-35km. What is the displacement.-k=5km east
  3. An Object's velocity chanves from 30 m/s-23m/s in 3 seconds. What is the acceleration? (23m/s-30m/s/3s= -2 1/2 m/s2)
  4. A 5kg object moving at 20m/s collides with an object that is 10kg moving at 5m/s. They stick together and move off. What is they're final velocity? (5kg*20m/s+10kg*5m/s=>100kg*m/s+50kg*m/s divide by total weight=>10m/s

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Motion Chapter review pg. 544 #1-30

1) Both are telling you how fast you are going.
2) Without acceleration you wouldn't be able to reach a certain speed of velocity.
3) Without velocity you wouldn't get to a steady momentum
4) Momentum is how hard it is to stop something using velocity and mass, and the las tests the total momentum of objects that collide.
5)Mass helps tell the outcome of how fast the momentum is going and how hard it will be to stop it.
6) Mass is a factor of inertia.
7) Momentum helps predict what inertia will do to an object
8) Average speed calculates all of seeds an object has traveled and instantaneous speed is an instants speed.
19)Your average speed would increase because the faster you run the same distance, your speed increases.
20)Between the acceleration of 0 and 3s, the speed has a steeper increase than between the 3 and 5 acceleration.
22)They bounce off each other.
23)30m west
24)You go backward and the ball goes forward.
25)It decreases speed as it goes up and increases speed as it comes back down.
26)The constant speed.
30)a is going the fastest and c is going the slowest.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


mass-the amount of matter in an object
inertia-the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion.
momentum-measure of how hard it is to slow an object down.
P=mass(velocity)=grams * meters/second
Law of conservation of momentum- the total momentum of objects that collide with each other.

Monday, April 19, 2010

questions 1-4 pg.538

1) When the golf club hits the golf ball some of its momentum is transferred to the golf ball. The golf club slows down and the golf ball speeds up.
2) yes because it is moving the same speed.
3) The cue ball hits the other billiard balls and the cue ball slows down decreasing the momentum, but the billiard balls speed up and their momentum increases.
4) The law of conservation of momentum enables the speed of the objects to be calculated after the collision and will move in the opposite direction the force came from.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Motion Vocabulary

speed-the distance traveled by the time taken to travel that distance. What was Morgan's speed when she ran the mile?
average speed-the total distance traveled by the time taken. What is Josh's average speed for running the 100m dash.
instantaneous speed-the speed of an object at one instant of time. Torri's instantaneous speed was 4km/hr.
velocity-the speed of the object and the direction of its motion. What was the velocity of the baseball?
acceleration- the change in velocity divided by the time it takes for the change to occur. Mr. Conrad's acceleration was constant.
mass- The amount of matter in an object. The mass of the cow was bigger than the mass of a baseball.
inertia- The tendency of an object to resist change in its motion. The horse had a very high inertia.
momentum- To measure how hard it is to stop an object and depends on the object's mass and velocity. When the bowling ball hit the pins some of its momentum transferred to the pins.
law of conservation of momentum- the total momentum of objects that collide is the same before and after the collision. When Jason and James collided it proved the law of conservation of momentum to be correct.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pg. 528-532 ?'s 1-6

1) Speed is the distance traveled divided by the time take to travel that distance. Velocity is the speed of the object and the direction of its motion. Acceleration is the change in velocity divided by the time it takes for the change to occur.
2) Its going at a constant speed and then is slowing down.
3) You have a positive acceleration.
4) 1/4 acceleration
5) 19.6 is the total speed.

Notes 4/13/10

  • Acceleration- Change in velocity divided by the time change to occur; speeding up, slowing down and or changing a direction.
  • Acceleration can be calculated if you know how an objects velocity has changed during a given time period
  • The Formula- A(acceleration)={SF(final speed)-SI(speed initial)}/Time
  • Unit for acceleration=(m/sec^2) Meters per second square
  • Acceleration is positive when an object is speeding up.
  • Acceleration is negative when an object is slowing down.
  • Accelerated motion can be graphed with speed on the vertical axis.
  • When an object is speeding up the graph has a positive slope(going to the right and up)
  • When an object is slowing down the graph has a negative slope(going to right and down or left)
  • A horizontal line indicates zero acceleration and is going at a constant speed.