Tuesday, February 2, 2010

pg. 226-231 ?'s 1-5

1. Along which type of plate boundary has the Soufriere Hills volcano formed?
*The Soufriere Hills volcano formed where plates converge.
2. At which type of plate boundary does rift-volcanism occur?
*Divergent Plate Boundaries
3. Explain how volcanoes in Hawaii form.
*The Hawaiian Islands are islands that did not form along a plate boundary. Large bodies of magma, called hot spots, are forced upward through Earth's mantle and crust.
4. Why do most deep earthquakes occur at convergent boundaries?
*They occur where tectonic plates come together.
5. Subduction occurs where plates converge. This causes water-rich sediment and altered rock to be forced down to great depths. Explain how water can help form a volcano.
*The water is heated so it turns into steam and expands and pushes up the surface of the Earth causing a volcano.

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